Defence Accounts Pensioners Welfare Association(DAPWA), came into existence on 27/10/2007 to look into the welfare of pensioners of Defence Accounts Department for settlement of their grievances with regards to their pending pension claims, expediting documentation for sanction/ issue of family pension medical claims and to provide moral support in adverse circumstances of brother pensioners.
The birth of the Association was made possible due to the sincere and sustained efforts of S/Sh H.S.Pasricha, M.L. Bhanot, D.C. Gupta, S.C. Sharma and R.P. Sharma along with various like minded pensioners who are known as the founding fathers of the Association. It is heartening to note that from a humble beginning with a few members DAPWA besides covering the pensioners of tricity is proud to have gained membership from Ambala, Panchkula, Amritsar, Ludhiana, Jalandhar, Taran Taran, Shimla and Delhi etc. comprising about 300 members.
DAPWA is also an affiliated member of Local Coordination committee of Central Govt. Pensioners Association (CCCGPA), Bharat Pensioner Samaj, New Delhi, and associate member of All India Defence Accounts Pensioners Association, Kolkata. After the initial teething troubles/ birth pangs of the association i.e. finding a suitable venue for periodic meetings of the body, the place was more or less was finalized as Sood Bhawan, Sector 44-A, Chandigarh at free of cost with the good offices of Mr. Rishi Ram Sharma. For which the DAPWA’s thanks are due to the esteemed Sood Sabha. Efforts are on to get a more suitable place for our monthly meetings in lap of our mother PCDA (WC) Chandigarh being the birth place of service carriers of majority of members of DAPWA.
Soon after the formation of DAPWA, a constitution of the body was framed after the first election of the executive body was held, electing S/Sh. Jagtar Singh and H.S. Pasricha as president and general secy. Respectively along with two senior vice presidents, legal secy., press secy., advisor, finance secy. The association got registered with the Registrar of Firms and Societies Chandigarh.
Election for the second executive body was held on Oct.3rd, 2010 and Sh. D.C. Gupta and Sh. M.C. Arya were elected as President and General Secy. Along with other members of the executive body. Glowing tributes were paid to the outgoing executive body especially to Mr. H.S. Pasricha and Sh. Jagtar Singh who by dint of their efforts brought the association to maturity and vibrancy.
Defence Accounts Pensioners Welfare Association
DAPWA came into existence on 27/10/2007 to look into the welfare of pensioners of Defence Accounts Department for settlement of their grievances with regards to their pending pension claims, expediting documentation for sanction/ issue of family pension medical claims and to provide moral support in adverse circumstances of brother pensioners.